Check out these groups and events at Heart of Longmont!

Current Groups

Faith and Reason Adult Study Group – Faith and Reason are a Sunday Adult Studies group that takes on subjects that inform and stretch our faith. They meet on Sundays from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM either via Zoom or in person. Coffee is available during discussion. If this sounds interesting to you, please consider joining! For more information and to join the class, please contact Sandy Rabenhorst.

Adventurers Adult Ministry – Adventurers Adult Study Group meet Sunday mornings 8:45 AM to 9:45 AM. If you are interested in joining, or want more information, please contact Tricia Grafelman.

Men’s Fellowship Group – A bi-weekly group who meet at different homes to share a meal, fellowship, and discussion. Contact the church office for more information if you are interested in joining!

Upcoming Events

Chuck Marohn Presentation and Q&A

Thursday, September 12 at 6:30 PM

at Heart of Longmont (350 11th Ave, Longmont)

Tickets $5 – Proceeds go to Wesley Townhomes Project

On Thursday, September 12, LAUNCH Longmont Housing, a local housing advocacy group, will bring Strong Towns’ founder and author Chuck Marohn, to Heart of Longmont for Colorado’s only stop on a national book tour promoting his newly released book, Escaping the Housing Trap. The book covers the tension between housing as a financial product and housing as a shelter and discusses the solutions to help resolve the housing crisis. Heart of Longmont was chosen as a venue for this talk because of the innovative collaboration project with The Inn Between to convert our parking lot into affordable family homes.

Chuck Marohn’s talk will include direct applications of new planning concepts in local communities, Q&A, as well as a book signing. Following the talk there will be a tabling event for local and regional nonprofits offering information and opportunities to get involved.

Some highlights of the discussion will include:

  • How the tension between housing as an investment and housing as shelter impacts where and how people live;
  • How regulations designed to facilitate the rapid growth of cities end up stagnating neighborhoods and creating artificial housing shortages; and
  • Where cities can effectively intervene to make their housing market more locally responsive, broadly increasing affordability without participating in the boom-and-bust cycle of the broader housing market.

Doors open on September 12 at 6:00 PM with the program beginning at 6:30 PM at Heart of Longmont Church. Tickets are $5 with proceeds benefiting the Wesley Townhomes project. Click here to purchase Tickets on EventBrite. 

LAUNCH Longmont Housing is a grassroots organization based in Longmont advocating for policy changes that aim to reduce the cost of housing, strengthen public transit, create family-friendly neighborhoods, and foster a more inclusive and affordable place to live. LAUNCH’s major role in its community is to educate the public regarding options, implications, and benefits of a more affordable community.

Strong Towns is a national nonprofit advocacy organization that analyzes the failures of the post-war North American development pattern while giving citizens the knowledge and tools to start making our places better today.

Pickleball with the Heart

6-week beginners session

starting Saturday, September 14

Saturday mornings at 9 AM to 10 AM

Left Hand Park

Here at the Heart of Longmont we love to get outside, have fun, be active, and make new friends. If you have been curious to learn how to play pickleball and would enjoy connecting with others from the Heart of Longmont, we invite you to join us for a 6 week beginners session starting September 14, every Saturday morning at 9 AM to 10 AM at Left Hand Park. Let Keith Watson or Tricia Grafelman know if you are interested.

Coming to Heart of Longmont

September 15 at 10:00 AM during Worship Service

Motus Theater Presentation of “An Immigrant’s Story”

(An autobiographical monologue performed by a Boulder County resident.)

After worship, enjoy a tasty treat and join the presenter in the chapel for a Q&A and further dialogue.

Motus Theater believes that storytelling is at the core of our humanity. They provide a platform for those whose voices have been marginalized and who live on the frontlines of violence in our country. We are pleased to welcome them to our congregation as we continue to explore and understand the human impact of our country’s immigration system. For more information about Motus Theater, visit

Habitat For Humanity Pride Build

Saturday, September 21

Our next opportunity to sign up for a Habitat workday is on Saturday, September 21. This time it’s a special Pride Build! Follow this link to register and choose New Construction – Longmont: St. Vrain Habitat Pride 9/1 Build Day Volunteer Registration. It’s always a great time of fellowship, and this time we get to also show our support for the diverse Longmont Pride community! If you have any questions, send me a note via the church office. I look forward to working with you in September.

Wesley Townhomes Groundbreaking Event

Thursday, September 26 at 4:00 PM

at Heart of Longmont

Join us in celebrating the groundbreaking for the Wesley Townhomes project! Immense thanks to The Inn Between and KCI Construction for helping make this project a reality for our community. RSVP required by September 12.

Get in Touch

350 11th Avenue

Longmont, CO 80501

(303) 776 - 3523


Join us for worship

every Sunday at 10 am.

All are welcome!