Starting October 9 from 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM we will have our first Sunday Kids Choir practice. Any kids ages K-6th grade are welcome to come sing their hearts out with Kevin Lattu. Kevin comes to us from Minnesota. He has a passion for music and working with...
Sunday Kids Sunday School kicks off on August 14th at 9:00AM! Join us and put more of God’s love into the world by stuffing bags with school supplies for the Wild Plum preschool students. Plus learn how God loves you a super lot and thinks you are the coolest Sunday...
The June Sunday School session will be June 12 at 9:00. The Sunday Kids will be building a bird house that they can take home. All kids who have completed 5th grade and younger are welcome! Older kids can join the fun if they wish. The next Sunday School session will...
North Castle is hidden in a frozen land. It is up to the King’s Valiant Knights to find the King’s armor. Armor up to become a knight at VBS and join in the fun! Here’s what you need to know to join the quest: Knight’s of the North Castle VBS will be July 15th and...
Starting in June, Sunday Kids will not meet weekly. There will be a special Sunday session once each month this summer. From 9 AM to 10 AM Sunday kids will meet: June 12 July 10 August 13 (please note this is a Saturday) Special activities are planned for each month....
HOL’s Children and Family Ministries have selected the scriptures for kids’ Sunday school! April 24th – Mark 4:1-9 May 1st – Mark 12: 1-12 May 8th – Matthew 25:14-30 May 15th – Luke 14:15-24 May 22nd – Matthew 18:23-35 May...